
jeudi 23 février 2017

Sort: Counting sort


Counting sort is a sort algorithm dedicated to lists having values in a small set. Then, one can create an array of same size and store values (or count) while reading.
Using BrainFuck, all our values are stored between 0 and 255. Therefore, it might be an interesting sort algorithm. Let's implement it.
Initial state
  • Memory: 0 0 [array] 0 0 0 0 0 ... where array is a 2 cells block array of nullable integers
  • Pointer: just after array
  • Input: any


  • Generate counter array
    • That's a 2 cells block array of nullable integers, of size 256
    • Generate the first cell
    • Then have 255 in a counter and generate all cells after
  • For each integer N from the list
    • Access item N in array and increment counter
  • Optionally, we can rebuild back the array when sort is completed
    • Define current value (initially: 0)
    • For each counter C in counter array
      • Add current value C times
      • Increment current value

Code - try it

generate counter array: 2 cells array with 256 items

read integers one by one and store into array
go to first integer and loop
  remove cell indicator
  move value to end
  go to value and move backward
  access array cell given by index
  increment count for given value
  move array back to position
  go to next integer

rebuild array of values
  move cell
  add value N that many times
    go to current value
    copy / move to end of array
    set cell flag
    restore current value copy
    go back to value counter
  increment current value
  go to next cell and loop

clear counter array

Final state

  • Memory: 0 0 [sorted array] 0 0 0...
  • Cursor: 2 cells after array
  • Input: unchanged
  • Output: unchanged
  1. Due to our array rebuild, the sort is descending, but this can be easily changed to ascending sort
  2. Despite a shorter algorithm, execution is really longer than Quicksort

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