Now that our instructions are read correctly, let's implement a fetch loop.Given an instruction pointer, the fetch is an operation that gives us the operation to implement.
This is globally similar to a random access in array, but the fetch loop should be executed again and again. Then, it's simpler to ave a one-based index: we can loop on fetch pointer in this case.
And access an element in this case is not complex either, the pointer value just need to be decreased by a given offset
Initial state
- Memory: 0, 0, 0, instructions, 0, IP
- Cursor: on instruction pointer (initially 0)
- Input: any
- Set pointer to 1
- While pointer is not null
- Decrease pointer
- Copy pointer
- Use pointer copy to get instruction
- Copy current instruction outside array - the instruction copy will be placed just beside the instruction pointer cell
- If instruction is not null
- For test purposes: rebuild original value and print it. This part will be later replaced by instruction processing, of course
- Increase pointer back to original value
- Increase pointer (move to next instruction)
- Otherwise, break the loop
fetch loop
get current instruction
parse current instruction
rebuild and print (test)
increment instruction counter
Code (minified)
Final state
- Memory: 0,instructions, 0, IP
- Cursor: on IP
- Input: unchanged
- Output: unchanged (except for test purposes)
Note: when direction_flag will be available, the <++> line will be replaced by
increment or decrement based on direction_flag
increment or decrement based on direction_flag
Live 'Instruction reader / fetcher / printer' example, that reads code to execute until it reaches separator, then display the code using the fetch loop.
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