
mercredi 8 février 2017

Revert array, in place


Given an array, with our standard formalism, let's see how we can reverse it, i.e [A,B,C] to become [C,B,A]. But to make it more complex, let's do it in place, without needing extra data storage.
Well, more exactly, with a constant amount of data storage, meaning that we won't need more space for bigger arrays
  • Start at the end of the array (let's say it's a stack)
  • Copy last array item at the end of the reverted stack
  • Move the current reverted stack to the left, to use constant memory
  • Loop until all items are moved

Initial state

  • Memory: 0, A, B, C, D, ..., 0...
  • Cursor: last array item
  • Input: any


  • Start on stack's last element
  • While there is at least one element
    • While element is not null
      • Decrease it by 1
      • Move right twice (reverted stack's start point)
      • Move right until cell is empty (first free position)
      • Here is the trick: we should not add the new item right here! (otherwise we won't be able to identify the end of the array)
      • Instead, move right once again, and increase cell by 1.
      • Move left twice, then move left until cell is empty, and finally move left once.
        • Back to item we want to move
      • Loop invariant: sum of first stack's last element and cell just after second stack
      • When first stack's last element is finally null, cell just after second stack contains moved last element from first stack
    • Go to second stack's end
    • Move newly added item to the left (append at the end of the array)
    • Go back to second array's first element
    • We now have 2 zeros between our 2 stacks: first's final delimiter, and one empty cell (generated by the move of last element) : we need to move the whole second stack one cell to the left to stay in-place.
    • While second array's end is not reached
      • Move current element to the left
      • Move cursor to right
    • Go back to first stack's last element
    • Loop invariant: memory contains 0, then some items from original stack, then zero and finally all items missing from original stack in reversed order
    • When first stack is empty: 2 zeros then all stack in reversed order
  • Finally, move the whole reverted stack to the left once, to avoid the extra 0 


      consider last integer
        while it is not null
        move 1 from this number 
        to the end of the reverted stack
        and go back to the moved value
      go to the new item; not exactly at the end but one cell after
      it wouldn't have been possible to reach the end of array otherwise
      move this value to the end of the array
      go back to the reverted stack's first element
      move each element to the left to have in place algorithm
      go to original stack's last element
    revert completed
    move all items to the left because both original and reverted 0 array delimiters are here

    Code (minified)


    Final state

    • Memory: 0,..., D, C, B, A, 0
    • Cursor: on final item (A)
    • Input: unchanged
    • Output: unchanged


    Live 'Stack-revert' example, that reads input, place all chars in an array, revert the array, then print the reverted stack (e.g. input abcdefgh prints hgfedcba)

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