
jeudi 9 février 2017

Self-interpreter: Bonus - Enhancements (10)


Wait, wait, we said the interpreter was over, didn't we?
Well, yes, we have a working interpreter that uses 1137 instructions, and performs about 80k operations for one interpreted instruction.
We can do better !

The most expensive part of our interpreter is memory accesses: moving all items (blocks of 2 cells) to the left, then back to the right, takes time, moreover it's used by all operations but > and <.
The second most expensive part we can improve is the instruction access, for the same reason.
Let's see how we can get rid of instruction and memory pointers

Global idea: here is what our memory map should be
0 {instr_before} 0 0 {instr_after} 0/bit_else 1/instruction_copy inactive_counter direction_flag 0 0 {mem_before} 0 0 {mem_after}
No pointer here. But 2 arrays for instructions and same for memory.
Then, as a convention, we can define current instruction or current memory cell as the first item in the corresponding x_after array.
Thanks to this:
  • Instruction can be accessed more quickly (no need to move X items back and forth)
  • Same for memory
  • Drawbacks
    • Incrementing the instruction pointer is done by moving one element from one array to the other
    • And instructions > and < are executed by moving one memory cell from one array to the other
  • However, these drawbacks are nothing compared to the improvement of fetch or all other operations
One last thing we can improve is the evaluation of while and loop. There is no real need to copy memory cell outside the memory array to evaluate it. It was a quick and dirty way to have all our variables closed together, but it's actually useless as we can directly check the value at it's original location.

Initial state

  • Memory: empty
  • Cursor: on first cell
  • Input: code to execute#input of interpreted program

Code (minified - only 695 instructions - 38% shorter !!!)


Code - with comments, character codes and memory map

separator 35/0
inc 43/8
read 44/9
dec 45/10
print 46/11
left 60/25
right 62/27
while 91/56
loop 93/58

0 {instructions_before} 0 0 {instructions_after} 0 1/instruction_copy inactive_counter direction_flag 0 0 {memory_before} 0 0 {memory_after}

  inactive check processing
    check instruction
        not while nor loop
        reset else bit
        instruction loop
        decrease inactive_counter
      instruction while
      increase inactive_counter
    reset instruction (but not null)
      if counter is not null
      copy inactive_counter (to break loop)
      else reset direction_flag
  reload inactive_counter
    Execute instructions
                    not an instruction
                    instruction loop
                  instruction while
                instruction right
              instruction left
            instruction print
          instruction dec
        instruction read
      instruction inc
    clear instruction
  check direction

Final state

  • Memory: see above
  • Cursor: on instruction, next to inst_ptr
  • Input: unchanged
  • Output: unchanged


Live BF Interpreter.
Be careful not to execute too long code: one single BrainFuck operation to interpret is rather long (parsing, processing, ...). This version still allows you to run longer code (in theory).
With the same code sample than previous interpreter version:
This new interpreter can execute the code in only 13.675.534 operations, which is really good compared to the 65.622.379 operations for same input using previous interpreter code !!!
This gives an average ratio of 16.107 operations to execute one instruction.
Again, this ratio is definitely not accurate, as operations are also used to read program, or in inactive mode, ... but it's still a good indicator of execution complexity.

Conclusion: this num interpreter needs 38% less code, and is 5x faster to execute !

Back to previous step
(No more next step this time 😅)

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